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View more of Lori's artwork:
We guarantee a 3-4 week maximum turn around time.
Our prices reflect the quality, materials and time we put into each canopy.
Prices shown below DO NOT include the canopy.
You can ship us one or we can order one for you.
Have your own design? No problem! We offer custom work as well as stock.
Prices on custom work will depend on the detail involved.
Price reflects body work to Avants
RCBooya supplies upgrades for your radio controlled helicopter needs.
We are pleased to have worked with Scott Gray on his new paint scheme.
Looking for the best looking, highest quality, hand crafted canopy around?
How about a 3-4 week turn around? Custom design? Look no further!
Each canopy gets the quality work and top of the line materials we use
when doing custom paint work on motorcycles.
The Award Winning artist has over 19 years experience, and our "wet look" clear coat is second to none.
All designs can be painted on any model canopy, and you can mix your colors as well. We also offer custom work.
Please continue to check back. We will be adding many more designs.